大家有听过本地一家叫神奇兔子的汽车美容中心吗(Magic Rabbit Car Wash and Detail)?这一家由本地华人经营的公司是本地第七台2013年票选丹佛最佳的汽车美容中心,该公司也在本地5280杂志上名列前茅,它们有两家分店,一家在5651 County Line Place, Highlands Ranch,另一家在10159 S Park Glenn Way, Parker。编辑推荐本地华人的爱车族一定要去试试它们的服务,它们的网址是http://www.magicrabbitcarwash.com/ 。
科罗拉多共和党下星期六(6月7日)邀请科罗拉多州联邦众议员Mike Coffman和加州联邦众议员Ed Royce在位于1000 Yale Avenue的韩国杂志Weekly Focus文化中心和本地亚裔社团举行座谈,Royce先生目前是联邦众议员国际事务委员会的主席。感谢科罗拉多共和党团通知资讯网此项活动,大家如果有兴趣参加可以在以下网址报名,https://www.facebook.com/events/695825963809712/ 。
不知道在市中心上班上课的朋友们有没有注意到,今年一月起,在17街和Champa交口新开了一家名叫“茶云 (Tea Cloud)”的茶馆。和星巴克旗下的Teavana不同,这是一家华人小本经营专门以提供茶饮服务为主的小店,它们的茶饮选择琳琅满目,也包括红茶,绿茶,花茶,乌龙茶,印度茶和波霸奶茶等等,它们同时也提供叉烧包,面包和其它不同糕点供大家享用,大家下次到市中心不妨去试试,它们的脸书网址是, https://www.facebook.com/teacloud 。
大家喜欢听国家公共广播网(NPR)每周六上午的“等等,不要告诉我(Wait Wait Don't Tell Me)时事猜谜栏目吗?这是该电台最受欢迎的益智栏目,栏目里诙谐的对话常常让听众们莞尔一笑。该栏目将于7月10日晚上七点半移师Morrison市著名的红石圆形室外剧场(Red Rock Amphitheater)举行,粉丝们可以到以下网址订票,http://redrocksonline.com/concerts-events/detail/wait-wait-do-7-10-2014 。
丹佛著名的社区医疗机构9HealthFair这个星期六上午8点到下午2点将在市中心附近的Fillmore礼堂举办保健节活动,和该组织和许多本地华人社团合办的活动一样,到时会有免费或低费的健康检查服务,但除了健康检查之外,活动现场还会提供免费的按摩,跳舞和自卫术示范,职位招聘等等。大家有兴趣可以到它们的网站注册参加,https://onlinereg.9healthfair.org/9Health/info.aspx?siteid=408 。
资讯网的朋友最近提出了以下问题:“如果美国政府出台法案限制H1B的发放,华人什么态度啊?”。 以下是编辑的回答: “因人而异,本地华人对此议题应该会有自己的见解和立场。编辑希望推动的是为在美国就读,优秀的留学生们提供更多的移民机会,合理化F-1签证,OPT,H1B签证,绿卡到归化的程序。提供给在各学科符合一定学术水平,社区贡献等等高标准的优秀人才保证签证名额,防止这些人才回流,但这並不能代表本地绝大多数华人的立场。” 希望大家也能够为此议题表示意见,谢谢。
大家知道吗,资讯网之前提及美国国会在2012年通过的为130年前排华法案表示“遗憾”的提案是由加州民主党华裔众议员赵美心,科罗拉多州共和党众议员Mike Coffman和两党的参议员联合赞助的,感谢这些议员为正视历史和肯定华裔对美国贡献跨党派长期做的努力,作为科罗拉多的华裔,编辑深感犹荣。以下是2011年对该提案的报道,
“U.S. Repsentatives Judy Chu, Judy Biggert and Mike Coffman along with Senators Feinstein and Brown, Thursday announced the introduction of a resolution calling on Congress to formally acknowledge and express regret for the passage of a series of laws during the turn of the 20th Century that violated the fundamental civil rights of Chinese-American settlers. "A century ago, the Chinese came here in search of a better life. But they faced harsh conditions, particularly in the halls of Congress. Congress passed numerous discriminatory exclusion laws that barred the Chinese from accessing basic rights given to other immigrants. These laws engendered hatred, bigotry and prejudice in the minds of Americans towards Chinese. Many were brutally murdered, and even more were abused, harassed and detained," said Chu, lead House co-sponsor, at a press conference to introduce the resolution. "It is long overdue that Congress officially acknowledges these ugly laws, and expresses the sincere regret that Chinese Americans deserve. The last generation of settlers impacted by this legislation are leaving us, giving Congress a short window to make amends to those who were directly affected. As the first Chinese American Congresswoman, I am proud to say that we will today introduce a resolution on the House Floor that does just that" Chu continued "This resolution takes an important step towards recognizing one of the great – yet often overlooked – injustices in our shared history, and accepting the lessons it has to teach us," said Biggert, lead House co-sponsor. "America's strength has always derived from the principles of our founders and our ongoing struggle to live up to those ideals. This resolution continues that struggle by calling on Congress to illuminate a past mistake, and reaffirm our commitment to freedom and equality. I'm very pleased to join Congresswoman Chu in introducing this resolution as part of Asian Pacific American Heritage Month, which celebrates the contributions of countless Chinese Americans," Biggert added. "Today we take an important step in acknowledging a great injustice in American history when Congress, in the late 19th and early 20th centuries, enacted a series of discriminatory measures against Chinese Americans that not only limited their rights but denied them citizenship," said Coffman, original House co-sponsor. "In 1910, the U.S. government opened the Angel Island Immigration Station to isolate Chinese immigrants in San Francisco and the Bay Area. These immigrants were separated from family members, subjected to embarrassing medical examinations and detained for months and sometimes years. Despite these hardships, Chinese immigrants persevered, and today make invaluable contributions to the development and success of our country," said Senator Feinstein, lead co-sponsor of the Senate resolution. "The enactment of Chinese exclusionary laws is a shameful part of our history that must not be forgotten. I hope this resolution will serve to inform those who may not be aware of this regrettable chapter in our history, and bring closure to the families of immigrants who lived through this difficult time," said Feinstein. "Today we take a step toward expressing regret over an unfortunate period in U.S. history when Chinese immigrants were discriminated against because of their race," said Senator Brown, lead co-sponsor of the Senate resolution. "Chinese-Americans have been a critical component of our national fabric and have contributed to our country in so many ways. This resolution expresses our nation's gratitude for their contributions." The Chinese Exclusion Laws involved legislation Congress passed between 1870 and 1904 that explicitly discriminated against persons of Chinese descent based on race. In 1882, Congress passed the Chinese Exclusion Act, which imposed a ten-year moratorium on Chinese immigration and naturalization of Chinese settlers. The law was later expanded several times to apply to all persons of Chinese descent, each time imposing increasingly severe restrictions on immigration and naturalization. Although the Chinese Exclusion Laws were repealed in 1943 as a war measure after China became a World War II ally of the United States, Congress has never formally acknowledged that the laws singling out and ostracizing Chinese were incompatible with America's founding principles.” 好消息!资讯网将于6月起每两周在大丹佛时报独家宣传和报道资讯网的不同活动讯息,包括我们统筹安排的不同志愿者活动,艺文和其它课程,华人旅游会的本地,外州和出国旅游等等讯息,希望能够让一些不常使用互联网的华人也能参与和了解资讯网的活动。大家敬请期待!
“RESOLUTION OF SUPPORT FOR CONGRESSIONAL APOLOGIES WHEREAS, Congress, during a period exceeding 60 years, enacted laws that adversely and specifically targeted the Chinese in America on the basis of race, including the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882; and WHEREAS, Congress has given apologies for similar legalized governmental mistreatment to minorities other than the Chinese (i.e. Japanese Americans in 1988, Native Hawaiians in 1993, African Americans in 2008 and 2009; Native Americans in 2009); and WHEREAS, Congress passed resolutions only of regret to the Chinese Americans (S.R.201 in 2011 and H.R.683 in 2012), and NOT RESOLUTIONS OF APOLOGY for the Congressional discrimination against the Chinese Americans continues the perception once sanctioned by Congress that Chinese Americans are second class persons; and WHERES, the history of Congress indicates that an apology, and not just an expression of regret, is the appropriate action to be taken in redressing injustices towards a particular ethnic group as a result of Congressional action; and WHEREAS, the Proposed Congressional Apology Resolutions originated by the Chinese American Citizens Alliance, Greater San Gabriel Valley is endorsed by the Chinese Benevolent Association, Los Angeles; WHEREAS, the Proposed Congressional Apology Resolutions is also supported by the Los Angeles Board of Supervisors and by the Chinese American Citizens Alliance chapters in Los Angeles, Houston and Chicago WHEREAS, the Proposed Congressional Apology Resolutions utilizes the same language as the Congressional resolutions of regret except for the replacement of “regret” with “apology” and for additional language to define the differences between the two, to describe the contributions of the Chinese Americans to the United States, and sets forth the Congressional history of apologies granted to other minorities; WHEREAS, Congressional apologies will give the Chinese Americans their rights to be treated equally with all of the other minorities who have received Congressional apologies for similar legalized mistreatment; and WHEREAS, the endorsement and support of the Proposed Congressional Apology Resolutions by the Federation is an important step in the continuance of its mission and purpose by protecting the equal rights of the Chinese in America; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT The Republican Party of Texas endorses and supports the Proposed Congressional Apologies to the Chinese Americans for governmental actions that denied equal rights to and adversely harmed the Chinese in America.” 资讯网的太麻依长者公寓图书馆的募书活动,得到了许多本地华人的支持,但还是有许多太平洋超级市场的顾客把我们的收集箱当作垃圾筒,由于我们的募书活动是一个持续性的活动,为了不要浪费大家捐出的书籍,让资讯网开始考虑其它的收集方式,包括和本地的华人教会和佛堂合作,定期收集这些书籍。
资讯网的商家目录新增了在4455 S Broadway上营业,来自广西的麥氏夫妇开设的麥氏按摩馆,不同于丹佛其它中式按摩馆,该按摩馆家庭式经营,没有做什么广告,用古法按摩,手法地道,大家途经South Broadway的时候不妨去试试。
大家知道吗,今年11月美国的中期选举共和党在科罗拉多国会第二选区推出了一位华裔的候选人,在财经和能源业备受推崇的杰出华裔George Leing律师。Leing先生的父母在1947年时移民到了美国,和许多早期移民一样,靠自己的血汗,一步一脚印的在这个地方开创了属于自己和家人的一片天。Leing先生在纽约大学修读本科,在美国著名学府耶鲁大学完成了他的硕士学位,和美国政治家的摇篮乔治城大学完成了他的法学博士学位。 Leing先生已执业超过三十年, 而他在能源业所累积的经验更是让他民主党的竞争对手望其项背。而这次为共和党在民主党的重镇包含波德市的国会第二选区出征,更是被许多政治分析师认为是可能颠覆选情的一匹黑马。Leing先生的竞选主张是(1) 重燃美国梦, (2)重振科罗拉多的的工作环境和经济, (3) 推行健保改革, (4) 减少美国国债和(5)保障我们的权利。他的竞争对手是民主党的Jared Polis。
不知道大家今天有没有到波德市参加一年一度的Bolder Boulder马拉松活动呢,经过了一个星期阴晴不定的天气,编辑还在担心比赛会不会受到天气影响,但还好今天天公作美,艳阳普照,让参加活动的选手们精神大振,今年的冠军依旧是衣索比亚的选手Mamitu Daska,这是她六年内第四次夺冠,而美国选手Shalane Flanagan则得到了此次比赛的亚军,比赛在大家的欢呼声中落幕。
感谢熊猫快餐Arvada分店店长王小姐通知资讯网,依据顾客需求,熊猫快餐已经开始提供网上订餐服务了,而该项服务除了外卖外也适用于它们的外烩服务,大家不妨去看看, http://orders.pandaexpress.com/mp/nd/sites/desktop/Dashboard/ 。
资讯网日前和本地的旅游同好和业者联系,将于6月起每月举办一场丹佛华人旅游会餐叙,希望聚集一些志同道合,喜欢旅游的本地华人,讨论和筹划多一些在本地和到外地的旅游活动,我们的第一次餐叙将会于6月15日上午9点在环境优美的Centennial市的Valley高尔夫俱乐部举行,第一次和第二次的餐叙将开放给大家免费参加 (饮食额外),大家有兴趣,可以到我们的Meetup网址报名,http://www.meetup.com/Denver-Chinese-Source/events/184939592/ 。
这周末是丹佛市中心美术节,美国第二大的表演艺术中心 - 丹佛表演艺术中心,将展出来自科罗拉多和全美各地著名艺术创作者不同的美术和艺术品,预计会有超过15万名访客参观,而今年科罗拉多歌剧院的青年团也会在现场为大家表演,有空不妨去看看吧。
大家知道吗?5月31日到6月1日(下个周末),是一年一度的丹佛粉笔艺术节,到时Larimer广场(1430 Larimer St)将会封路,让大家参观由超过200名来自各地不同艺术家创作的缤纷绚丽的作品,感谢科罗拉多餐馆协会赞助此次活动, 大家有空千万不要错过。
今天共和党全国代表大会主席Sharon Day女士莅临Englewood市的享誉盛名的双龙餐厅和本地的亚裔社区一起庆祝亚太裔传统月,在席上联邦众议员Mike Coffman先生,联邦众议员华裔候选人George Leing先生,科罗拉多共和党主席Ryan Call先生也都有发言感谢本地亚裔对美国的贡献,场内人潮涌涌,虽然外面狂风暴雨,但浇不熄大家的热情,感谢Englewood华裔市议员Joe Jefferson律师做东道主,提供此次活动的场地。
再一次提醒大家,丹佛华人资讯网已开通微博平台,同步发表资讯网讯息,是除了我们的互联网页外,让家人,朋友或同学多知道些丹佛华人的消息的另一个途径, http://weibo.com/denverchinese 。
January 2025