您知道吗,全美有63座国家公园,根据统计2021年我们的落基山国家公园(Rocky Mountain National Park)名列前茅,是全美第五多游客数的国家公园,有440万人次左右,仅次于1410万人次(游客怎么这么多......)田纳西州和北卡的大烟山国家公园(Great Smoky Mountains National Park),500万人次犹他州的锡安国家公园(Zion National Park),490万人次怀俄明州的黄石国家公园(Yellowstone National Park),和450万人次亚利桑那州的大峡谷国家公园(Grand Canyon National Park)。
3月3日是日本传统的雏祭(Hinamatsuri,女儿节),为了庆祝这个节日Stanley Marketplace在周六会举办一场日本文化祭,到时除了会有穿着和服的狗狗来迎宾外,还会有不少和米有关的活动,包括教怎么喝日本清酒,享用用米做的小点配酒,欣赏陶瓷和传统摆设展示,也可以带几条用米做的狗狗零嘴和拿个给狗狗的礼包回家做纪念,总而言之就是有得看,有得吃,有得喝,还有得拿。活动下午2点到5点在每次办展览的停机坪(Hanger)那里举办。大家参加完活动可以顺便到那里的Misaki吃生鱼片或到Chi-Lin去吃拉面和卤肉饭,Stanley Marketplace的地址是2501 Dallas St, Aurora
四年前传出要建一栋81层的摩天大楼说说就没了下文,胎死腹中,在市中心17街和California同样的一块地现在又有家南卡的开发商提交了概念图,说要在那里建栋47层的住商综合大楼,一楼开商店餐厅做生意,再加几层停车场,上面是342个高级出租单位。根据楼盘的官网,这块地值1700万,再加上建筑和零零星星的费用,最后整体项目应该至少要几亿元,大楼概念能不能通过还是其次,现在利率看涨,又通货膨胀,开发商能不能贷到款,筹到钱还是一个很大的问号,希望不会再和上几次一样不了了之了 (https://www.bizjournals.com/denver/news/2022/02/28/47-story-tower-proposed-17th-and-california-denver.html )
不知道大家有没有吃过这两年在Denver, Aurora和Thornton接连开了三家,卖亚墨混合小吃和饮料的Zero Degrees。他们有带大块大块果肉,还在撒了独家配方的辣椒粉和香料的招牌饮料看起来口感蛮刺激,怪吸引人的;混了奶油和奥利奥的抹茶,紫薯,泰式奶茶等等口味的冰饮,听起来像会甜死人,但口感应该也不错,;有点像米浆著名的墨西哥冰饮奥查塔;还有味道大家比较熟悉的咖啡,黑糖珍珠奶茶,抹茶奶茶,泰式奶茶,选择还蛮多的。小吃方面有爆米花鸡,薯条玉米粒,炸虾,炸鸡条,炸鸡翅,蒜味面,碎肉薯条,炸猪皮,都可以配上辣死人的辣酱和独家的蘸酱,配上冰冰的饮料刚刚好。他们三家分店分别在之前鲜芋仙对面的1390 S Colorado Blvd Suite 140, Denver ; 大学医院那里的13600 E Colfax Ave, Aurora;还有Sam's Club对面的9760 Grant St Ste 70, Thornton
这周科州最气派,23层楼500多间客房的Monarch Casino Resort Spa Black Hawk大型赌场度假村终于要正式开幕了,3月4日(周五)和3月5日会举办盛大的开幕仪式。这里除了900台老虎机,超大屏的体育博彩区,24张从百家乐,掷骰子,21点,牌九到轮盘的大型赌桌,各式纸牌游戏的扑克房外,还有顶级牛排馆,24小时的中西餐厅,科州最丰富的海鲜自助餐厅,和超豪华的Spa和顶楼景观泳池,还有音乐表演(如果不到赌场区域,21岁以下的孩子只要有21岁以上的人同行也一样可以去吃吃喝喝和使用休闲设施),就算不来试试手气,开个半个多小时来吃吃喝喝松弛一下也不错。这里的室内停车场和代客停车都是免费的,服务很好,很方便,而且赌场度假村不时都有各种促销和优惠,大家可以到官网查询详情 ( https://monarchblackhawk.com/) ,赌场度假村的地址在488 Main St, Black Hawk 在丹佛东边Lowry这里的航天航太博物馆(Wings Over the Rockies Air & Space Museum)算是这里一个去的人比较少的博物馆,去的应该都是些航天迷。这里之前是劳瑞空军训练基地(Lowry Air Force Base),从1938年到1966年可以进行起降训练,从1955年到科泉空军学校(Air Force Academy)1958年启用前,这里曾经是美国的空军学校,从1966年到1994年是主要是做为进行技术研究和战略训练的空军基地,许多参与二战,韩战,越战的空军健儿都是这里训练出来的。1994年空军基地关闭后,在一群志愿者的努力下把一号停机坪做为了保存各时代退役战机的航天航太博物馆,用另外一种方式把劳瑞空军基地的精神延续下去。这里保存了1936年服役的道格拉斯B-18A大刀式轰炸机(Douglas B-18A Bolo),1955年服役的B-52B同温层堡垒战略轰炸机(Boeing B-52B Stratofortress),1958年服役的F-105雷公超音速战鬥机(F-105 Thunderchief),1960年服役的F-4B幽灵战鬥机(F-4B Phantom),1967年服役的F-111A超音速战鬥轰炸机(F-111 Aardvark),1971年服役曾经实地参与阿富汗战争的EA-6B徘徊者式电子作战机(EA-6B Prowler),1986年服役的B-1A枪骑兵超音速战略轰炸机(B-1A Lancer),1974年服役的F-14A雄猫式超音速战鬥机(F-14A Tomcat),还有在成龙演的电影环游世界80天里用的那台道具飞机,在回到火星电影(The Space between US)里用过美国国家航空航天局(NASA)还在研发的逐梦者太空飞机(Dream Chaser)的道具机,美国航太计划的一些文物,和美军不同时期的航天电子仪器。老实说就算不是航天迷,也会觉得大开眼界蛮有趣的,十分值得一看。航天航太博物馆的地址在 7711 E Academy Blvd, Denver
听说又有几家快速慢食连锁餐厅要到科州来插旗了,费城的意大利潜艇堡三明治店PrimoHoagies计划今年在丹佛开5家店,目前知道5月初会先在6200 Leetsdale Dr开第一家;加州的墨西哥小卷饼店Roll-Em-Up Taquitos计划在丹佛先开15家分店,将来会再科州多开35家分店;拉斯维加斯店面设计很独特,标榜吃的健康,吃的开心,有三明治,汉堡,包饼,炸鸡,沙拉等等的SkinnyFATS,计划要在科州开10家分店,在丹佛的第一家应该下半年就会开门;已经在Grange Hall开了一家小分店的加州炸鸡店Crack Shack,今年会在Park Meadows和RiNo再多开两家比较大,选择多很多的分店;最后阿拉巴马的鸡肉沙拉店Chicken Salad Chick计划年内在科州开5家分店,算一算如果这些都开了,这里一下子就多了37家快速慢食餐厅,现在这么难招人,真为他们到时找员工伤脑筋。
虽然美国职棒大联盟(Major League Baseball)劳资谈判还没有个结果,今年球季打不打得成还是未知之数,但我们科罗拉多的洛矶棒球队(Colorado Rockies)到明年就成军30年了。这30年里20年都是输的球季,6年是分区倒数第一名,12年是分区倒数第二名,但也四次打进国家联盟分区赛(National League Division Series),一次打进世界大赛(World Series),成绩不算太好,但也不是特别差。您知道吗,虽然还没赢过冠军,但我们的洛矶队到拥有几项大联盟的记录,在这里为大家列数一下。1993年棒球场还没建好,球队的第一个球季在旧里高球场(Mile High Stadium)打,当年总入场人次是4,483,350人,是大联盟单一球季最多人在主场看球的记录。在2007年(我们打进世界大赛的那一年)的一场对圣路易红雀队(St Louis Cardinals)的九局球赛里,我们换了10个投手,也是个记录。2010年对芝加哥小熊队(Chicago Cubs)的比赛里,我们连续打出了11只安打,这是大联盟一场球赛里最多只陆续安打的记录。2012年我们49快50岁的投手Jamie Moyer成为了大联盟年纪最大还赢球和有打点的投手,也是职业生涯里让人打出最多只全垒打(522只)的投手,他尔后也在这一年退役。长江后浪推前浪,在2016年当年还是新人的Trevor Story连续在他首登大联盟的四场球赛都击出全垒打,不但让人刮目相看,也是新人在大联盟连续球赛打出全垒打的记录。
应中华人民共和国总理周恩来的邀请,美利坚合众国总统理查德·尼克松自一九七二年二月二十一日至二月二十八日访问了中华人民共和国。陪同总统的有尼克松夫人、美国国务卿威廉·罗杰斯、总统助理亨利·基辛格博士和其他美国官员。 尼克松总统于二月二十一日会见了中国共产党主席毛泽东。两位领导人就中美关系和国际事务认真、坦率地交换了意见。 访问中,尼克松总统和周恩来总理就美利坚合众国和中华人民共和国关系正常化以及双方关心的其他问题进行了广泛、认真和坦率的讨论。此外,国务卿威廉·罗杰斯和外交部长姬鹏飞也以同样精神进行了会谈。 尼克松总统及其一行访问了北京,参观了文化、工业和农业项目,还访问了杭州和上海,在那里继续同中国领导人进行讨论,并参观了类似的项目。 中华人民共和国和美利坚合众国领导人经过这么多年一直没有接触之后,现在有机会坦率地互相介绍彼此对各种问题的观点,对此,双方认为是有益的。他们回顾了经历着重大变化和巨大动荡的国际形势,阐明了各自的立场和态度。 中国方面声明:哪里有压迫,哪里就有反抗。国家要独立,民族要解放,人民要革命,已成为不可抗拒的历史潮流。国家不分大小,应该一律平等,大国不应欺负小国,强国不应欺负弱国。中国决不做超级大国,并且反对任何霸权主义和强权政治。中国方面表示:坚决支持一切被压迫人民和被压迫民族争取自由、解放的斗争;各国人民有权按照自己的意愿,选择本国的社会制度,有权维护本国独立、主权和领土完整,反对外来侵略、干涉、控制和颠覆。一切外国军队都应撤回本国去。 中国方面表示:坚决支持越南、老挝、柬埔寨三国人民为实现自己的目标所作的努力,坚决支持越南南方共和临时革命政府的七点建议以及在今年二月对其中两个关键问题的说明和印度支那人民最高级会议联合声明;坚决支持朝鲜民主主义人民共和国政府一九七一年四月十二日提出的朝鲜和平统一的八点方案和取消“联合国韩国统一复兴委员会”的主张;坚决反对日本军国主义的复活和对外扩张,坚决支持日本人民要求建立一个独立、民主、和平和中立的日本的愿望;坚决主张印度和巴基斯坦按照联合国关系印巴问题的决议,立即把自己的军队全部撤回到本国境内以及查谟和克什米尔停火线的各自一方,坚决支持巴基斯坦政府和人民维护独立、主权的斗争以及查谟和克什米尔人民争取自决权的斗争。 美国方面声明:为了亚洲和世界的和平,需要对缓和当前的紧张局势和消除冲突的基本原因作出努力。美国将致力于建立公正而稳定的和平。这种和平是公正的,因为它满足各国人民和各国争取自由和进步的愿望。这种和平是稳定的,因为它消除外来侵略的危险。美国支持全世界各国人民在没有外来压力和干预的情况下取得个人自由和社会进步。美国相信,改善具有不同意识形态的国与国之间的联系,以便减少由于事故、错误估计或误会而引起的对峙的危险,有助于缓和紧张局势的努力。各国应该互相尊重并愿进行和平竞赛,让行动作出最后判断。任何国家都不应自称一贯正确,各国都要准备为了共同的利益重新检查自己的态度。美国强调:应该允许印度支那各国人民在不受外来干涉的情况下决定自己的命运;美国一贯的首要目标是谈判解决;越南共和国和美国在一九七二年一月二十七日提出的八点建议提供了实现这个目标的基础;在谈判得不到解决时,美国预计在符合印度支那每个国家自决这一目标的情况下从这个地区最终撤出所有美国军队。美国将保持其与大韩民国的密切联系和对它的支持;美国将支持大韩民国为谋求在朝鲜半岛缓和紧张局势和增加联系的努力。美国最高度地珍视同日本的友好关系,并将继续发展现存的紧密纽带。按照一九七一年十二月二十一日联合国安全理事会的决议,美国赞成印度和巴基斯坦之间的停火继续下去,并把全部军事力量撤至本国境内以及查谟和克什米尔停火线的各自一方;美国支持南亚各国人民和平地、不受军事威胁地建设自己的未来的权利,而不使这个地区成为大国竞争的目标。 中美两国的社会制度和对外政策有着本质的区别。但是,双方同意,各国不论社会制度如何,都应根据尊重各国主权和领土完整、不侵犯别国、不干涉别国内政、平等互利、和平共处的原则来处理国与国之间的关系。国际争端应在此基础上予以解决,而不诉诸武力和武力威胁。美国和中华人民共和国准备在他们的相互关系中实行这些原则。 考虑到国际关系的上述这些原则,双方声明: ──中美两国关系走向正常化是符合所有国家的利益的; ──双方都希望减少国际军事冲突的危险; ──任何一方都不应该在亚洲-太平洋地区谋求霸权,每一方都反对任何其他国家或国家集团建立这种霸权的努力; ──任何一方都不准备代表任何第三方进行谈判,也不准备同对方达成针对其他国家的协议或谅解。 双方都认为,任何大国与另一大国进行勾结反对其他国家,或者大国在世界上划分利益范围,那都是违背世界各国人民利益的。 双方回顾了中美两国之间长期存在的严重争端。中国方面重申自己的立场:台湾问题是阻碍中美两国关系正常化的关键问题;中华人民共和国政府是中国的唯一合法政府;台湾是中国的一个省,早已归还祖国;解放台湾是中国内政,别国无权干涉;全部美国武装力量和军事设施必须从台湾撤走。中国政府坚决反对任何旨在制造“一中一台”、“一个中国、两个政府”、“两个中国”、“台湾独立”和鼓吹“台湾地位未定”的活动。 美国方面声明:美国认识到,在台湾海峡两边的所有中国人都认为只有一个中国,台湾是中国的一部分。美国政府对这一立场不提出异议。它重申它对由中国人自己和平解决台湾问题的关心。考虑到这一前景,它确认从台湾撤出全部美国武装力量和军事设施的最终目标。在此期间,它将随着这个地区紧张局势的缓和逐步减少在台美军设施和武装力量。 双方同意,扩大两国人民之间的了解是可取的。为此目的,他们就科学、技术、文化、体育和新闻等方面的具体领域进行了讨论,在这些领域中进行人民之间的联系和交流将会是互相有利的。双方各自承诺对进一步发展这种联系和交流提供便利。 双方把双边贸易看作是另一个可以带来互利的领域,并一致认为平等互利的经济关系是符合两国人民的利益的。他们同意为逐步发展两国间的贸易提供便利。 双方同意,他们将通过不同渠道保持接触,包括不定期地派遣美国高级代表前来北京,就促进两国关系正常化进行具体磋商并继续就共同关心的问题交换意见。 双方希望,这次访问的成果将为两国关系开辟新的前景。双方相信,两国关系正常化不仅符合中美两国人民的利益,而且会对缓和亚洲及世界紧张局势作出贡献。 尼克松总统、尼克松夫人及美方一行对中华人民共和国政府和人民给予他们有礼貌的款待,表示感谢。 Joint Statement Following Discussions With Leaders of the People’s Republic of China1 President Richard Nixon of the United States of America visited the People’s Republic of China at the invitation of Premier Chou Enlai of the People’s Republic of China from February 21 to February 28, 1972. Accompanying the President were Mrs. Nixon, U.S. Secretary of State William Rogers, Assistant to the President Dr. Henry Kissinger, and other American officials. President Nixon met with Chairman Mao Tse-tung of the Communist Party of China on February 21. The two leaders had a serious and frank exchange of views on Sino-U.S. relations and world affairs. During the visit, extensive, earnest, and frank discussions were held between President Nixon and Premier Chou En-lai on the normalization of relations between the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China, as well as on other matters of interest to both sides. In addition, Secretary of State William Rogers and Foreign Minister Chi P’eng-fei held talks in the same spirit. President Nixon and his party visited Peking and viewed cultural, industrial and agricultural sites, and they also toured Hangchow and Shanghai where, continuing discussions with Chinese leaders, they viewed similar places of interest. The leaders of the People’s Republic of China and the United States of America found it beneficial to have this opportunity, after so many years without contact, to present candidly to one another their views on a variety of issues. They reviewed the international situation in which important changes and great upheavals are taking place and expounded their respective positions and attitudes. The U.S. side stated: Peace in Asia and peace in the world requires efforts both to reduce immediate tensions and to eliminate the basic causes of conflict. The United States will work for a just and secure peace: just, because it fulfills the aspirations of peoples and nations for freedom and progress; secure, because it removes the danger of foreign aggression. The United States supports individual freedom and social progress for all the peoples of the world, free of outside pressure or intervention. The United States believes that the effort to reduce tensions is served by improving communication between countries that have different ideologies so as to lessen the risks of confrontation through accident, miscalculation or misunderstanding. Countries should treat each other with mutual respect and be willing to compete peacefully, letting performance be the ultimate judge. No country should claim infallibility and each country should be prepared to re-examine its own attitudes for the common good. The United States stressed that the peoples of Indochina should be allowed to determine their destiny without outside intervention; its constant primary objective has been a negotiated solution; the eight-point proposal put forward by the Republic of Vietnam and the United States on January 27, 1972 represents a basis for the attainment of that objective; in the absence of a negotiated settlement the United States envisages the ultimate withdrawal of all U.S. forces from the region consistent with the aim of self-determination for each country of Indochina. The United States will maintain its close ties with and support for the Republic of Korea; the United States will support efforts of the Republic of Korea to seek a relaxation of tension and increased communication in the Korean peninsula. The United States places the highest value on its friendly relations with Japan; it will continue to develop the existing close bonds. Consistent with the United Nations Security Council Resolution of December 21, 1971, the United States favors the continuation of the ceasefire between India and Pakistan and the withdrawal of all military forces to within their own territories and to their own sides of the ceasefire line in Jammu and Kashmir; the United States supports the right of the peoples of South Asia to shape their own future in peace, free of military threat, and without having the area become the subject of great power rivalry. The Chinese side stated: Wherever there is oppression, there is resistance. Countries want independence, nations want liberation and the people want revolution—this has become the irresistible trend of history. All nations, big or small, should be equal; big nations should not bully the small and strong nations should not bully the weak. China will never be a superpower and it opposes hegemony and power politics of any kind. The Chinese side stated that it firmly supports the struggles of all the oppressed people and nations for freedom and liberation and that the people of all countries have the right to choose their social systems according to their own wishes and the right to safeguard the independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of their own countries and oppose foreign aggression, interference, control and subversion. All foreign troops should be withdrawn to their own countries. The Chinese side expressed its firm support to the peoples of Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia in their efforts for the attainment of their goal and its firm support to the seven-point proposal of the Provisional Revolutionary Government of the Republic of South Vietnam and the elaboration of February this year on the two key problems in the proposal, and to the Joint Declaration of the Summit Conference of the Indochinese Peoples. It firmly supports the eight-point program for the peaceful unification of Korea put forward by the Government of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea on April 12, 1971, and the stand for the abolition of the “U.N. Commission for the Unification and Rehabilitation of Korea.” It firmly opposes the revival and outward expansion of Japanese militarism and firmly supports the Japanese people’s desire to build an independent, democratic, peaceful and neutral Japan. It firmly maintains that India and Pakistan should, in accordance with the United Nations resolutions on the India-Pakistan question, immediately withdraw all their forces to their respective territories and to their own sides of the ceasefire line in Jammu and Kashmir and firmly supports the Pakistan Government and people in their struggle to preserve their independence and sovereignty and the people of Jammu and Kashmir in their struggle for the right of self-determination. There are essential differences between China and the United States in their social systems and foreign policies. However, the two sides agreed that countries, regardless of their social systems, should conduct their relations on the principles of respect for the sovereignty and territorial integrity of all states, nonaggression against other states, noninterference in the internal affairs of other states, equality and mutual benefit, and peaceful coexistence. International disputes should be settled on this basis, without resorting to the use or threat of force. The United States and the People’s Republic of China are prepared to apply these principles to their mutual relations. With these principles of international relations in mind the two sides stated that: —progress toward the normalization of relations between China and the United States is in the interests of all countries; —both wish to reduce the danger of international military conflict; —neither should seek hegemony in the Asia–Pacific region and each is opposed to efforts by any other country or group of countries to establish such hegemony; and —neither is prepared to negotiate on behalf of any third party or to enter into agreements or understandings with the other directed at other states. Both sides are of the view that it would be against the interests of the peoples of the world for any major country to collude with another against other countries, or for major countries to divide up the world into spheres of interest. The two sides reviewed the long-standing serious disputes between China and the United States. The Chinese side reaffirmed its position: The Taiwan question is the crucial question obstructing the normalization of relations between China and the United States; the Government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government of China; Taiwan is a province of China which has long been returned to the motherland; the liberation of Taiwan is China’s internal affair in which no other country has the right to interfere; and all U.S. forces and military installations must be withdrawn from Taiwan. The Chinese Government firmly opposes any activities which aim at the creation of “one China, one Taiwan,” “one China, two governments,” “two Chinas,” and “independent Taiwan” or advocate that “the status of Taiwan remains to be determined.” The U.S. side declared: The United States acknowledges that all Chinese on either side of the Taiwan Strait maintain there is but one China and that Taiwan is a part of China. The United States Government does not challenge that position. It reaffirms its interest in a peaceful settlement of the Taiwan question by the Chinese themselves. With this prospect in mind, it affirms the ultimate objective of the withdrawal of all U.S. forces and military installations from Taiwan. In the meantime, it will progressively reduce its forces and military installations on Taiwan as the tension in the area diminishes. The two sides agreed that it is desirable to broaden the understanding between the two peoples. To this end, they discussed specific areas in such fields as science, technology, culture, sports and journalism, in which people-to-people contacts and exchanges would be mutually beneficial. Each side undertakes to facilitate the further development of such contacts and exchanges. Both sides view bilateral trade as another area from which mutual benefit can be derived, and agreed that economic relations based on equality and mutual benefit are in the interest of the people of the two countries. They agree to facilitate the progressive development of trade between their two countries. The two sides agreed that they will stay in contact through various channels, including the sending of a senior U.S. representative to Peking from time to time for concrete consultations to further the normalization of relations between the two countries and continue to exchange views on issues of common interest. The two sides expressed the hope that the gains achieved during this visit would open up new prospects for the relations between the two countries. They believe that the normalization of relations between the two countries is not only in the interest of the Chinese and American peoples but also contributes to the relaxation of tension in Asia and the world. President Nixon, Mrs. Nixon and the American party expressed their appreciation for the gracious hospitality shown them by the Government and people of the People’s Republic of China. 有餐厅开也有餐厅关,当年因为猫王(Elvis Presley)特地开私人飞机来买他们用一磅的培根,一磅的花生酱,一磅的蓝莓果酱做的愚人金条Fool's Gold Loaf重量级三明治而名声大噪的Nick‘s Cafe,在开了36年之后决定结束营业,店内包括黑胶唱片,海报,照片等等数以千计猫王相关的纪念品将捐给科州历史博物馆(History Colorado Center)保管和展示。如果您想到这里打个卡,顺便尝尝这三明治到底有什么名堂,还有时间,他们3月10日才关门,餐厅的地址在777 1/2, Simms St, Golden
下几个月丹佛这头又会多出好几家的日韩料理,刚刚在加州卖掉了旗下四家餐厅的Hwaro餐饮公司转战丹佛,目前打算在今年内陆续在Aurora开做猪骨汤等传统韩食的Moonbongri(2751 S. Parker Road),在16街上开Hwaro Premium Sushi(2000 16th St. ) ,在市中心Confluence那里开Hwaro Korean BBQ(1441 Little Raven St.),还有在Wheat Ridge多开一家Hwaro Premium Sushi(7333 W. 38th Ave)。听说Hwaro Premium Sushi和Sushi Katsu一样,会是吃到饱的日本料理。虽然这里日韩料理已经蛮多的了,但好吃的餐厅不怕多,还是让人蛮期待的。
大家有没有发觉丹佛周围有几个地标的名字里都有“英里(Mile)”这个字,譬如丹佛的四英里历史公园(Four Mile Historic Park),奥罗拉(Aurora)的九英里车站(Nine Mile Station),帕克(Parker) 的十二英里馬廄(Twelve Mile Stable),十七英里屋子农场公园(Seventeen Mile House Farm Park)和二十英里路(Twenty Mile Road)。其实这些地方在百多年前都是斯莫基希尔乡道南边分道(Smoky Hill Trail South Branch)上的驿站,以市中心Colfax和Broadway交口上的拓荒者纪念碑(Pioneer Monument,就是那个两年前顶上牛仔雕像被拆掉那里)做为起点,距离四英里,九英里,十二英里,十七英里和二十英里的马车驿站的位置就是这几个地标,目前还有保存下来的有四英里屋(Four Mile House),十七英里屋(Seventeen Mile House)和二十英里屋(Twenty Mile House)的一部分,都在用这些屋子名字命名的历史公园里,离起点最近的驿站建成的越早,所以最早的是1859年的四英里屋,十七英里和二十英里屋都晚了它几年,也让这屋子成了丹佛目前最老的建筑。九英里屋什么痕迹都没有了,十二英里屋在樱桃溪州立公园(Cherry Creek State Park)的狗狗公园里,这几年才立了个牌子标注十二英里屋的位置。二十英里屋的故事多些,因为詹姆斯帕克(James Parker)和乔治帕克(George Parker)两兄弟在这里住了很长的一段时间,也由于詹姆斯有远见把一部分地让给了政府铺设公共设施,这里开发的比较快,不但有驿站,还有旅社,酒馆,邮局,一个打水站和水塔,一个馬廄,一家干货铺,一家砖铺,一座仓库,一家理发厅,一所学校,一座坟场,两家打铁铺,三家杂货店等等,比周围的荒地早开发很多,家族的后人索性就把这里叫做帕克(Parker),来纪念先人的贡献,一百多年过去了,现在只剩了那个小邮局被保留了下来。
前天公布了有餐饮界奥斯卡之称的2022年度詹姆斯·比尔德奖半决选(The 2022 James Beard Award Semifinalists)入围名单,有不少科州餐厅上榜(但满意外的,年年榜上有名的波德意大利餐厅Frasca Food and Wine今年没有上榜),最值得一提的是台菜周妈妈(Zoe Ma Ma)和亚洲餐厅Chimera Ramen的老板Edwin Zoe入围了杰出餐饮业者(Outstanding Restaurateur ),好像是记忆里科州唯一入围过这奖项的华人。科州其他的是入围杰出厨师(Outstanding Chef )大章克申(Grand Junction) Bin 707餐厅的Josh Niernberg;最佳新餐厅(Best New Restaurant)Lafayette的Casian Seafood;杰出餐饮服务(Outstanding Hospitality)丹佛的Spuntino;杰出餐酒(Outstanding Wine Program)阿斯彭(Aspen)的The Little Nell;山区最佳厨师(Best Chef :Mountain)丹佛Tavernetta的Cody Cheetham, El Borrego Negro的Jose Avila,Work & Class的Dana Rodriguez, , 奥罗拉(Aurora)Stanley Marketplace里Annette的Caroline Glover, 波德(Boulder)Black Cat Farm Table Bistro的Eric Skokan, 科泉(Colorado Springs)Broadmoor Hotel里Penrose Room的Luis Young, 和阿斯彭Mawa's Kitchen的Mawa McQueen。上榜就已经十分难得,是对这些大厨和餐厅的肯定,希望他们能够脱颖而出,在决赛里取得佳绩 (https://www.jamesbeard.org/blog/the-2022-james-beard-award-semfinalists )
明天(2月26日)11到1点在Koebel Library将举办一场本地华人张元婷所著介绍中国的新书“东方万花筒(Kaleidoscope of the East: The China You Should Know)”的签书会 ,大家可以在活动现场购书签书,售书利润作者将全额捐给美国奥委会,支持该会的公益活动,大家可以带吃的东西去potluck,也可以请外国朋友一同参与。图书馆的地址在 5955 S Holly St, Centennial, CO 80121(Holly和Orchard交口)
周末到了,再说说另外一家最近人气也旺了起来的十秒到云南米线(Ten Seconds Yunnan Rice Noodles)。到这里吃米线是肯定的了,但吃过他们新出品港式车仔面的朋友说味道也不错,但最让人惊艳还是那又便宜又好吃的港式甜品,不少这里的甜品在其它地方还真吃不到,这附近刚好除了韩国的Snowl外也没什么中式甜品店(老实说,全丹佛全科州也没几家),来这里吃甜品,顺道吃碗米线也是周末的一件乐事。这里是他们的番茄米线,大排米线,白云鸡爪,西多士,红豆焦糖布丁和芋头西米露。餐厅的地址在2000 S Havana St, Aurora
October 2024