丹佛亚裔杂志“Asian Avenue”和丹佛韩人会(Korean Society of Denver)筹办的“社交时段(The Social Hour)”将于4月17日晚上5点到8点在市中心四季酒店(1111 14th St)的Edge餐厅举行它们第一次的聚会,这是一个让大家多认识些同侪的好机会,到时会有许多丹佛亚裔的青年才俊参加,联络感情和增进相互的了解,编辑建议大家有时间不妨抽空去参加,扩展自己的交际圈。
感谢在丹佛非常有口碑,並精通国台英语的地产经纪李静芳小姐答应从4月起定期的为资讯网的“丹佛通-住专区”提供丹佛地产趋势讯息,希望这对计划在丹佛置业的朋友们能够提供一些的帮助和指引。李小姐的网址是http://www.rebekahcblevins.com/ 。
以下是科罗拉多中华会馆的脸书和网站的连接,它们目前刚刚更新了网页的设计,並计划在未来几周陆陆续续的加强内容的实用性,大家不妨去逛逛,https://www.facebook.com/ChineseAmericanCouncilofColorado?ref=hl 和 http://cacc-usa.org/ 。
根据华尔街日报的报导在Cherry Creek商场,Park Meadows商场和Flatiron Crossing商场都有分店,许多顾客喜欢在它们店铺里试坐按摩椅和发掘新奇产品的Brookstone家居用品店最早将于这个星期天申请破产保护,该连锁店在2005年时被新加坡知名的按摩健身器材公司-傲胜国际(Osim)以超过4亿4千万买下,据说另一家连锁店Spencer's将用1亿2千万和破产庭承接Brookstone家居用品店。希望该项交易不会影响Brookstone在科罗拉多州铺面的营运。
女神卡卡的歌迷注意了!女神卡卡2014年度的世界巡回演唱会“ArtRave: The Artpop Ball”将于8月6日晚上7点半在市中心的百事中心举办。该演唱会将在全美36个城市从今年5月开始开唱,而在亚洲只计划于东京举办。正式的售票日期是这个星期五的中午12点,但资讯网的朋友可以从明天(星期四)上午10点到下午4点到以下网址去购买预售票,比别人早一些挑个好位置, http://www.altitudetickets.com/event/lady-gagas-artrave-the-artpop-ball/2026/tags=aa140326 。
科罗拉多民主党丹佛县,道格拉斯县,和杰佛逊县的选民大会将于本周六(3月29日)上午九点分别于North High School,Mammoth Heights Elementary School,和Lakewood High School举行,这又是一个让大家多些认识公共政策和美国选举程序的机会,大家可以到以下网站查询活动详情,http://www.coloradodems.org/action/2014-county-assemblies 。
喜欢看恐怖片的朋友们注意了,本地著名位于Estes Park的Stanley旅馆将于4月24日到27日举办恐怖片影展,有许多参展的是独立制作的影片,Estes Park在去年水灾后进行了非常大规模的重建工程,急需要大家的支持重振它的观光业,希望大家多多支持,大家可以到以下网址查询活动详情,http://www.stanleyfilmfest.com/ 。
对车子有兴趣的朋友们注意了,一年一度在科罗拉多会展中心举办的丹佛车展今年的展期已定于4月9日到13日,到时大家不但可以参观各家车厂的新车,而且还能够一睹它们许多的概念车款,了解未来的趋势。门票$10,大家可以到以下网址查询活动详情,http://www.paragonexpo.com/index.php/DE-General/ 如果您有计划换车的话,那就更不能够错过了。
加州州议会最近民主党提出的SCA 5法案在当地的华人圈子里得到了非常大的回响,该法案提议修改该州1996年通过对种族,性别,肤色和国籍不歧视或提供特别待遇的209提案,让少数族群能够在不同的情况下可以有保障名额。当地华人社群担心如果法案通过会负面的影响华人学子的升学名额与入学机会,所以发动了许多的草根动员活动,而促成了该法案的撤回。美国的亚裔族群长远以来都没有积极参与公共政策,希望此次的活动能够给本地华人借镜 鼓励大家多多参与和了解公共政策,让所有人听到我们的声音。本期的经济学人杂志对此一现象有深入的报导,以下是该篇报导转载,
"Not Black or White" The 80-20 Initiative, an Asian-American lobby group, scored its first big success last October when it forced Jimmy Kimmel, a television host, to apologise for allowing a five-year-old boy to suggest on air that America should kill everyone in China in order to avoid its debt obligations. This week the group pulled off a more edifying win, defeating an attempt to allow Californian universities to take account of race when deciding whom to admit. California’s Democrats have long chafed against Proposition 209, a 1996 voter-backed measure that said: “The state shall not discriminate against, or grant preferential treatment to, any individual or group on the basis of race, sex, colour, ethnicity, or national origin” in public employment or education. In January SCA 5, a Democratic bill which, if approved by voters, would have exempted universities from this rule (and thus allowed them to bring back affirmative action), whizzed through the state Senate. It seemed likely to pass in the lower house, too. California’s voters, a more mixed bunch these days, may well have supported it. Affirmative-action policies are usually seen as pitting whites against minorities, particularly blacks. But California’s growing diversity is creating new battlegrounds. Admission rates for blacks and Latinos at the ten-campus University of California (UC) have plummeted since Prop 209 was enacted. But Asian-Americans, particularly Chinese and Indians, have done well: in 2011-12 they made up 14% of public high-school graduates but over a third of UC undergraduate entrants. And so after the Senate vote the 80-20 Initiative urged its 350,000 e-mail subscribers to press Asian-American legislators to scrap SCA 5. Energetic and bottom-up, the ensuing campaign had a Tea-Party whiff to it. And it worked: their phones ringing off the hook, several Asian-American Democrats decided that ethnic allegiances trumped partisan ones and withheld support for the bill. On March 17th John Pérez, the Assembly Speaker, withdrew it from consideration. “The university has been hurt” by Prop 209, says Gene Block, UCLA’s chancellor. Like other university administrators, he says that diversity creates a better atmosphere for learning. Set against that is an analysis that is hard to deny: if Prop 209 were overturned, more Asian-American applicants would be denied places at universities that would otherwise have admitted them. The playing field is already tilted: Asian-Americans must typically achieve better exam results than other groups to get into university. Asian-Americans have low voting rates and are not noted for political activism. Could this debate change that? S.B. Woo, 80-20’s co-founder, likes to think so. It is time for Asians to acquire the political sophistication of whites, he argues; they should harass Asian politicians who fail their constituents, and should be willing to play the parties off against each other. But Asian-Americans, the country’s fastest-growing minority, are a notably diverse bunch, bundled together for convenience more than analytical accuracy. As Karthick Ramakrishnan, a political scientist at UC Riverside, points out, the SCA 5 campaign was dominated by Chinese-Americans. Indians did not play much of a role; south-east Asians, poorer and less likely to attend university, tend to back affirmative action. Even some Chinese-Americans declared support for SCA 5. California’s demographic changes have upended politics in new and curious ways; there are plenty more to come. 好消息,资讯网将与科罗拉多中华会馆合作从5月起在中华会馆位于Littleton的馆址开办艺文课程,目前计划先于星期六下午每隔一个星期开办书法和国画课程。在中华会馆和资讯网与课程导师们确定后,资讯网会再提供给大家课程详情。
这个周末(3月21日到23日)位于4600 Humboldt Street的丹佛体育场(Denver Coliseum)将举办一年一度庆祝印第安文化的Denver March Powwow活动。到时会有来自38个州100个印第安部落的1600名传统舞者为来宾做表演,大家可以到以下网站查询活动详情, http://www.denvermarchpowwow.org/ ,大家有空一起去感受感受吧。
CNN Opinion节目有共和党全国委员会主席Reince Priebus先生对科罗拉多共和党亚裔联盟总监Aurora Ogg女士的专题报导,Aurora女士一直积极参与和支持科罗拉多不同亚裔社团的活动,对本地的亚裔社群贡献良多,而最近更刚刚当选融括许多不同亚裔社团的亚裔圆桌组织秘书一职。以下是该篇报导的英文全文:
“Aurora Ogg wakes up every day and goes to work with one mission: connecting people in her community with the Republican Party, so that in November they can be proud to cast a ballot for our candidates. Aurora is the Asian Coalition regional director in Colorado. She's been on the ground since September of last year, earlier than field staffers like her are usually hired. And she wasn't alone. Following the release of the Growth and Opportunity Project report -- a comprehensive post-2012 election review I commissioned -- the Republican National Committee committed to building a permanent, year-round ground game. We immediately began locating and hiring field staff all across the country. Aurora has the full support of the RNC and our resources. Thanks to our multimillion-dollar investment in technology, and the private sector talent we've brought on board, she has at her fingertips a suite of tools that allow her to identify voters we need to target in her community. The data she's plugged into is the best in politics. We've collected data from commercial and political organizations to make sure that we have the most current information needed to contact voters effectively. We've invested in new predictive analytics that are revolutionizing how our campaigns understand what matters to each individual voter. Not only are we making the data better, we are improving how other Republicans can access our data and provide data back to us. Our new voter relationship management tool, GOP Beacon, makes it easier for people to download and see the data. Our new connecting tool, or application programming interface, allows other committees, candidates and vendors to receive our data automatically and send data back to us in real time. To ensure we recruit the best talent to develop the best tools, we launched a startup-style initiative within the RNC called Para Bellum Labs, and we opened a field office in Silicon Valley. In addition to all these data resources, field staffers like Aurora are given a communications playbook with media lists, information on important surrogates, suggested events to attend and messaging on key issues, as well as access to media training, research and social media help. This isn't just one person's story. It's the story of our field staffers across the country -- state directors, data directors, and Hispanic, black, and Asian-American engagement staffers. The RNC has also hired staff dedicated to engaging better with women, youth, people of faith and conservative allies and groups. We have hundreds of staff fanned out, especially in critical midterm states, supporting our candidates and growing our party. Today, 91% of our political staff is in the field. They support whole teams of precinct captains. We've recruited more than 12,000 captains nationwide. Those captains have teams of volunteers whose job it is to maintain lasting relationships with sets of people in their communities. They're listening to their concerns and making sure they hear about the issues they care about. his is all done alongside our state parties and sister committees. That's why we've invested millions in our state parties to date. In addition to our on-the-ground work, we're looking ahead and changing the 2016 presidential primary process so that we have better debates, handpicked moderators and an earlier convention. We have two overarching goals: holding a primary that is more informative and engaging for voters, and having a nominee who enters the general election in a position of strength. It's been one year since I announced the first actions we'd take in response to the Growth and Opportunity Project. Today, I can report that we've fundamentally reshaped the way we do business. The power of our new tools and new strategy was on display last week, when we helped David Jolly win an important special election in Florida's 13th Congressional District. That victory has Democrats worried about November. Of course, this is just a snapshot. And it's also just the beginning. There's much more ahead, including an ad campaign we're launching this week -- a six-figure ad buy in 14 Senate target states. This campaign is about answering the question, "Why should I be a Republican?" People have told us that we need to better communicate what it is Republicans stand for. But instead of the RNC telling people, we asked Republicans to tell the RNC -- and the rest of the country -- what they stand for. Why are they Republicans? And that's what you'll see in these ads. We hope this campaign will help us have that important and ongoing conversation. As for me, I'm a Republican because I believe all Americans, regardless of where they come from, regardless of where they're going, should have the chance to create their own American Dreams. That's a message we're taking to every American, to every community. And thanks to the actions we've taken in the last year, we're better equipped than ever before to do that. We're going to keep working to earn every voter's trust, and we're going keep fighting to earn every American's vote. We're guided by the principle that no voter should be taken for granted; no voter should be overlooked. Because as the great Vince Lombardi, former coach of my Green Bay Packers, said, "The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary." 对公共政策有兴趣或想身临其境参与美国选举活动的朋友们,科罗拉多共和党目前正在招募志愿者或实习生参与它们不同竞选活动,它们在3月22日,3月29日和4月11日到12日都有不同的活动,以下是这些活动的详情。有兴趣可以与科罗拉多共和党亚裔联盟总监Aurora Ogg联络,[email protected]。
不知道大家已经报税了吗?编辑和大家推荐一个非常便民但不为许多亚洲居民熟知的报税服务,如果您的收入在$52000以下或者您符合长者资格,您可以到不同的VITA和TCE服务点接受免费的报税服务(包括联邦和州税)。这是一个联邦国税局和经过验证的志愿者合作的服务,也是国税局唯一认可的免费报税服务。有需要大家可以到以下网址去查询服务点,http://www.coloradovita.org/locations/ 。编辑提醒大家记得出发前要把以下的文件清单印出和准备整理好相关文件,http://www.coloradovita.org/images/vita_what_to_bring.pdf 。
百老汇名剧“芝加哥”将于3月18日到23日在市中心丹佛表演艺术中心的Buell剧院做巡回演出,该剧从1975年开演,现在虽然已于纽约百老汇和伦敦下画,但它在不同城市的巡回表演往往能够勾起大家都回忆和造成轰动,剧中的“All That Jazz”更是大家耳熟能详的名曲,喜欢百老汇音乐剧的朋友们千万不要错过,大家可以到以下网址查询详情和订票,http://denvercenter.org/buy-tickets/shows/chicago/about.aspx?utm_content=display&gclid=CK3pw72tmL0CFexcMgodDVAA7g 。
喜欢林书豪的篮球迷注意了,丹佛金砖队将于4月9日晚上7点在市中心的百事中心迎战林书豪所属的休斯顿火箭队,这是难得在丹佛现场观赏林书豪出赛的机会,现在所有区域都还有票,票价从$15到$723,有兴趣的朋友可以到以下网址订票,http://www.altitudetickets.com/event/denver-nuggets-vs-houston-rockets/1766 。
相信有许多人已经看过这段为失踪的马航370班机祈福的短片,每次看时都会有许多心灵触动。今天在 新闻里听到马国政府说明这次有可能是一起劫机事件,让编辑,也相信让许多乘客的家属在几乎已经不抱希望时,又燃起了一丝希望,希望飞机是被劫持到了荒岛, 而乘客们还在某处感应得到家人的呼唤,期待和家人的相聚。 大家知道吗,今年是美国的中期选举年,而科罗拉多更是全国瞩目共和民主两党战况激烈的紫色州(半红半蓝)。在科罗拉多州的几个兵家必争之地是科罗拉多州长,第六选区联邦众议员和联邦参议员的席位。尤其是联邦众议员和参议员的竞争,目前的民意调查还是难分难解,在误差值中,而这些选举的结果更将影响两党在华府的角力竞争和美国未来两年的方向,所以格外重要。也因此可以预计在11月4日选举前,两党的重量级人物应该会不时的造访科罗拉多为他们的候选人拉票。编辑在这里提醒大家两个重要的日子,6月24日是两党党内初选而11月4日是大选的日子。今年的选举为了提供大家便利,各县郡的书记官会寄邮件选票给所有有做登记的选民。还没有做选民登记的朋友们可以到州政府以下的网址在使用指定的身份证明文件做登记,www.govotecolorado.com/ ,不要放弃了这神圣的机会。
January 2025